Author Archives: Rebekah Smith

Taking in Some Theater

The Year I was BornWe’ve been enjoying The Walker’s Out There series, which comes around every year in the heart of winter, a good time to hunker down in their cave of a theater that makes the audience feel like a part of the set with its wavy gray walls that bring spray-painted Styrofoam to mind. With one exception, we loved the series, each show for different reasons. We recommend that you catch the last of it tonight or tomorrow. Lola Arias’s The Year I Was Born is definitely worth seeing.

Generally worried about the road conditions and realizing that the time I was going to use to make myself presentable might be needed to help shovel our way out instead, we considered bagging it. I’m really glad we didn’t.

The Year I Was Born was great theater and solid story-telling and it will stick with me for a long time. Following eleven Chileans with disparate political and economic backgrounds and who were born during Pinochet’s reign (1973-1990), the piece widened my vision and deepened my capacity to absorb parallel histories such that I could somehow understand everything at once. What was I doing when Alexandra’s mother, Pitty, was gunned down by government thugs? I can only hope that I wasn’t cursing Verizon or consumed with some similar inanity.

By comparison, Wunderbaum’s (with LAPD) Hospital was a didactic dud that would make me think twice about seeing a show put on by political activists the same way I might be highly skeptical of a movie starring Keanu Reeves. Unlike The Year I Was Born, which is also a historical piece that relies on personal stories, this show has few theatrical elements that work. Instead it lays out the history of health care in the United States in such a way that it wouldn’t have been surprising if they had fired up PowerPoint. Overall, Hospital lacked a sense of humor, a refuge that even a play about a brutal dictatorship provided.

Kuro Tanino’s Niwa Gekidan Penino (The Room Nobody Knows) was visually stunning the minute the curtains opened to a diorama-esque scene that made you long to step into its sparkling amethyst cubby. It was a scene so intimate that the audience was actually seated on the main stage, creating a stage within a stage that I liked to imagine infinitely repeated itself. The music was equally breathtaking. There is no version of Pachelbel’s Canon that will ever come close to what four actors accomplished with recorders. More than once for a conventionally unacceptable number of minutes, the director leaves us in the pitch dark with nothing but this music. Everything else melts away. Every worry. Every plan. Every thought. If I could conjure up this moment on demand, I’m not sure I would do anything else.

Equally addictive was a moment from Clément Layes’ Public in Private. A potted plant. A spotlight. A performer, head tucked and pointing to the plant in the light. Music! Cut mid-note! That was it for me. More than wondering how this guy did the entire show with a glass of water balanced on the side of his head, or recalling other stand-alone physical feats that amazed and made for wonderfully playful moments, I’ll think about that plant and wonder how such an image could make me feel sad about the state of the world and hopeful at the same time. I love a show that leaves you speechless, and this is one of them.

Squash Soup with Croutons

This recipe reminds me of the 2011 Boise trip I made with my parents. With plans to stay for a couple of weeks, we drove out to see my sister in October and stayed through Thanksgiving. I was the sous-chef the night we first tried this soup, taking directions from Mom – who I believe got this out of Cooking Light. Unless it was a Tuesday night, we probably followed dinner with Scrabble or Rummy, otherwise it would have been DWTS. Go Ricki!

Squash Soup with Croutons
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 4
I love a recipe that doesn't require special ingredients. Don't skip the croutons. Like the soup, they're simple but worth it.
  • 1 TBS Olive oil
  • 1 squash - cubed - I think we used Butternut
  • 4 cloves of garlic - chopped fine
  • 1¼ tsp cayenne pepper
  • 2 C Vegetable broth - used canned or take a few minutes to make your own.
  • 4 slices of bread - cubed
  • 2 TBS olive oil
  • Salt
Vegetable broth
  • Olive oil
  • 1 carrot - cut in thirds
  • 1 small onion - quartered
  • 1-2 celery sticks - cut in thirds
Vegetable broth
  1. Sauté vegetables until they are caramelized.
  2. Turn up heat.
  3. Gradually add enough water to loosen whatever is sticking to the bottom of the pan.
  4. Add more water to cover vegetables.
  5. Bring to boil.
  6. Turn down heat.
  7. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Simmer 20-30 minutes.
  9. Remove vegetables and discard (in the compost pile :o)
  10. Or used canned vegetable broth.
  1. Sauté garlic and cayenne 1 minute
  2. Add squash, broth, and 2¼ cups of water.
  3. Bring to boil.
  4. Lower heat and simmer for 25 minutes.
  5. Soup should be creamy. If needed, smooth it out with a potato masher or mixer.
  6. Note: When I made this, I sautéed the squash cubes with the garlic and cayenne before I added the liquid.
  1. Toss bread cubes and 2 Tbs of oil and ½ tsp of salt.
  2. Bake at 350° for 12-15 minutes.

Sewing Paper

My uber creative niece expressed no surprise when I told her that I discovered you could sew on paper. I wanted to make money cards for Christmas and one morning between sleep and coffee, a solution drifted into my consciousness such that I understood the perfectness of using a light bulb to represent inspiration. It was exactly like that. Out of nowhere, “I could sew it!” Ding! By 4 a.m. I had confirmed my theory and was loving the results. Old news or not, I might as well have discovered fire.

Needing containers for my collection of cassette tapes that are awaiting digitization and inspired by first considering a grocery bag – a terrible idea as it would have been too deep to be useful – I remembered my experiment and came up with a shorter, more rigid bag that works great.

Container for cassette tapes.

Sized to maximize shelf space, a shorter bag means that I can easily see what’s inside.

How to Make a Custom Bag with a Grocery Bag


  • 2 grocery bags that are the same size
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Stapler
  • Marker
  • Paper cutter wide enough for the bag; rotary cutter, mat, and straight edge; or scissors and a straight edge
  • Tracing wheel
  • Iron


  1. Remove the handles of two grocery bags, being careful not to tear the bag or the handles. If you do accidentally tear anything, don’t worry about it. Set aside one of your bags and the handles you just removed for later use.
  2. Measure from the bottom of your grocery bag up to how deep you want your bag to be. Make a dot at this point with a marker (Dot #1). So, if you are making a bag that will be 5″ tall, you would measure 5″ from the bottom of the bag to Dot #1.


    Measuring from the bottom of a grocery bag, mark how deep/tall you want your new bag to be.

  3. By measuring from the dot you just made (Dot #1) upwards to just short of the height of your bag, mark Dot #2. So, if you are making a bag that will be 5″ tall, Dot #2 will be a little less than 5″ above Dot #1.

    A Sharpie marker works great for marking your dots.

  4. Cut off the top of the grocery bag at Dot #2, the top dot. Save the cut off piece for Step #6. I love my Swingline paper cutter for this job. A rotary cutter, a mat and a straight edge would also work. If you use scissors, draw a straight line around the bag before cutting.


    I wasn’t sure if this paper cutter was going to be what I needed. So, far I haven’t run into any serious limitations for the types of things I am doing.


    My paper cutter has different settings for cutting, creasing, perforating…

  5. Make a crease at Dot #1. I used the crease setting on my paper cutter to do this and it worked great. A smooth tracing wheel might also do the trick.

    The crease will make folding the bag easier.

  6. If needed, trim the top of the grocery bag you cut off in Step #4 such that when it is inserted in the new bag you are making, it falls just below the crease made in Step #5. Insert this piece inside the bag, loosely lining up the sides and corners as shown.


    Lining the inside of the bag with this extra scrap will make it sturdier. I turned my liner inside out, thinking that it would look nicer to show the pattern. However, this gets covered up, so skip that step.

  7. At the crease made in Step #5, fold the top of the bag down inside itself. This will cover up the liner you just inserted and hold it in place.

    It’s starting to look like something!



  8. Sew a hem along the top of the bag.

    I wish fabric handled as easily as a grocery bag does! Different bags behave differently.


    The bag will turn itself as you sew.


    Voila! A low-cost way to practice sewing!

  9. To make the bag more rigid and look crisper, pinch the corners and sew them in place with a few stitches.

    The bag works fine as is, but its sides are buldging a little.


    Pinching the corners takes up the slack and gives the bag a neater look.

  10. Sew the handles you saved from Step #1 onto the bag as you like. You can use a temporary staple to hold them in place as you sew.

    Almost done!


    I’m loving how these are turning out!

  11. Fold your second grocery bag (handles removed) such that it is the size of its bottom. Trim off any extra paper that won’t easily fold and stay in place. Sew the folded bag around the edges to hold it together. Place the finished piece in the bottom of your new bag.

    The extra bottom will help hold the bag together.


    The insert also hides rough edges.

  12. You can iron the bag if you want it to look a little crisper. Put a cloth between the iron and the paper.


    The altered bag is amazingly strong. For example, it would take some effort to remove the handles.

How to Change a Habit

When someone is sending electric shocks to the hair follicles on your face, you’re apt to listen more than talk. I listened and learned about The Charge – Activating the 10 Human Drives that Make you Feel Alive.

Bev had good things to say about this latest recipe for success and while it made me cringe with its nauseatingly pat tagline, I bought a copy, taking cover under the notion that it would give us something to talk about. While it’s fair that a definitive list of life’s secrets might induce involuntary eye-rolling (I always wonder, “Why ten?”), there is no call for anyone’s tiresome skepticism here.

Upon finishing the book, I gave my copy to a friend who was in need of some insight as she navigated an unbearably dysfunctional job situation that was undermining the confidence of this otherwise competent and fabulous young woman. I thought about JoAnne a lot as I turned the pages.

It had something for me too. While The Charge is the reason why I took on some scary projects instead of lesser undertakings and while it reinvigorated – at least temporarily – the blind courage of my 20-something self who somehow ventured off to Brussels with little money, a copy of Let’s Go Europe and a plan that went as far as “Take the train to ‘Le Gare du Nord'” – I mostly liked it for its solid practical tips more than for its fleeting inspirational passages. For example, “When this, then that” can help you develop lasting good habits. The idea is to add an action onto a well-established routine, as opposed to trying to change a behavior without the benefit of context. It’s the difference between saying, “This year I’m going to eat better!” and saying, “From now on, when I finish dinner every day, then I am going to eat an apple.”

It’s not sexy, but we use the rule to keep the litter box clean. Since it’s in the basement, it could easily be out-of-sight-out-of-mind until there was a revolt. But we have forstalled an uprising by saying: “When we feed the cat in the morning, we then clean the litter box.”

The Charge is loaded with other – probably better examples of – tips that made it worth it to replace the copy that I gave to my friend. While my enthusiasm for it might have been a case of my being particularly receptive to its insights for whatever reason when I first picked it up, I suspect that the book will hold up nicely as a reference.

Avoid these hangers

HangerHangerSprucing up for spring means having a good way to put stuff away. If you do, you’re more likely to stick with a system to keep things organized. So, I’m a fan of hangers that are designed specifically for pants and bought a stash of them a few years ago when I reorganized my closet.

HangerDon’t make the same mistake I made. Avoid these wooden slack hangers that are plastic around the neck of the hook. As much as I have tried, I can’t find a use for these headless wooden slats, which is an almost certain end to the last of my premium-priced hangers with their seductive velvet padding.


The hangers that come with garments in the store have lasted.


Slack hangers can also be used for boots! This hanger is all metal and has been around forever. I’m not sure where it came from or where to get more.

Spicy Lentils and Noodles

This is what happens when you screw up the Soba Noodle & Lentils Salad. I started knowing that I didn’t have all of the ingredients for that recipe, which shouldn’t have been a problem. But then I overcooked the lentils, which was starting to look less appetizing. So, I shifted gears to make a soup, but ended up with a spicy sauce  instead. I stand by it even though Brian didn’t appear to be a huge fan.

Spicy Lentils & Noodles
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 6
  • ¾ Cup Lentils - I used red.
  • Olive Oil
  • Onion
  • Carrots
  • Garlic
  • 1 TBS Flour
  • Red Pepper Flakes
  • Black Pepper
  • Salt
  • Plain Yogurt
  • Milk
  • Egg Noodles
  1. Cook the lentils. Normally, you would boil them for 5-7 minutes. I overdid it, so mine were mushy, hence the adaptation. Set aside.
  2. Sauté chopped onions, carrots and garlic in light olive oil.
  3. Add lentils and continue to cook. Stir in flour. Once a brown crusty goodness has formed on the bottom of the pan (not to be confused with burning), turn up the heat and cool down with water. Scrape the pan and blend. Add spices. I should have measured this, as my dish turned out too spicy. It wasn't ruined, but it took away from an otherwise flavorful dish. Let bubble.
  4. Blend in a dollop of yogurt.
  5. Stir in milk. Cook down to the consistency that you want.
  6. At the end you could add some frozen peas. I didn't.
  7. Serve over egg noodles or whatever you like.